Although the arduous efforts of Assistant Secretary of State Kurt Campbell and his colleagues in both governments have largely kept the alliance stable, today’s challenges and opportunities in the region and beyond demand more.
Together, we face the re-rise of China and its attendant uncertainties, North Korea with its nuclear capabilities and hostile intentions, and the promise of Asia’s dynamism. Elsewhere, there are the many challenges of a globalized world and an increasingly complex security environment. A stronger and more equal alliance is required to adequately address these and other great issues of the day. For such an alliance to exist, the United States and Japan will need to come to it from the per- spective, and as the embodiment, of tier-one nations. In our view, tier-one nations have significant economic weight, capable military forces, global vision, and demonstrated leadership on interna- tional concerns. Although there are areas in which the United States can better support the alli- ance, we have no doubt of the United States’ continuing tier-one status. For Japan, however, there is a decision to be made. Does Japan desire to continue to be a tier-one nation, or is she content to drift into tier-two status? If tier-two status is good enough for the Japanese people and their gov- ernment, this report will not be of interest. Our assessment of, and recommendations for, the alli- ance depend on Japan being a full partner on the world stage where she has much to contribute. In posing this question, we are cognizant of the problems confounding Japan’s influence and role in the world today. Japan has a dramatically aging population and declining birth rate. Her debt-to-GDP ratio is over 200 percent. The Japanese people have been served by six different prime ministers in six years. And, there is a growing sense of pessimism and inward focus among many young Japanese. But, Japan is not destined to see her importance wane. Japan is fully capable of remaining a tier-one nation. It is only a question of her disposition. As many challenges as Japan faces, there exist many underappreciated and underutilized dimensions of Japan’s national power and influence. Japan is the world’s third-largest economy, with a consumer sector twice the size of China’s. Japan continues to have tremendous economic potential that could be unleashed by reform and competition. More openness to free trade and im- migration and greater participation by women in the workforce would add significantly to Japan’s gross domestic product (GDP) growth. Japan’s soft power is also considerable. She rates among the top three countries in international respect and first in the world in terms of “national brand.” |1 Japan’s Self-Defense Forces (JSDF)—now the most trusted institution in Japan—are poised to play a larger role in enhancing Japanese security and reputation if anachronistic constraints can be eased. Japan is not an insignificant country positioned in a quiet part of the world. The United States and others rely on Japan as the maritime lynchpin to a stable, strategic equilibrium in the Asia- Pacific region; the second-largest contributor to the United Nations (UN), International Monetary Fund (IMF), and other leading multinational institutions; and the host of U.S. forces that keep sea-lanes open for the world’s most dynamic hemisphere. The United States needs a strong Japan no less than Japan needs a strong United States. And, it is from this perspective that we address the alliance and its stewardship. For Japan to remain standing shoulder-to-shoulder with the United States, she will need to move forward with us. Japan has been a leader in Asia in the past and can continue to be in the future. The following report presents a consensus view of the members of a bipartisan study group on the U.S.-Japan alliance. The report specifically addresses energy, economics and global trade, relations with neighbors, and security-related issues. Within these areas, the study group offers policy recom- mendations for Japan and the United States, which span near- and long-term time frames. These recommendations are intended to bolster the alliance as a force for peace, stability, and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond. 閉じる平和と安定性、つまり南シナ海での、それは、いまだもう一つの重要な共同の興味、即ち、日本で深く際立つ、興味です。88%の日本の供給、すなわち重要なエネルギー資源、南シナ海を通過する経路、を含めて、それは、日本の環視を増大させる興味のもと、アメリカとともに、安定性を確かなものにしたり、案内の自由の継続したりするものです。
Peace and stability in the South China Sea are yet another vital allied interest with especially profound salience for Japan. With 88 percent of Japan’s supplies, including vital energy resources, transiting through the South China Sea, it is in Japan’s interest to increase surveillance in collaboration with the United States to ensure stability and continued freedom of navigation.
閉じるIn addition to the lax interpretation of Article IX during Operation Tomodachi, Japan and the United States, in cooperation with several other nations, are fighting piracy in the Gulf of Aden. Japan has reinterpreted legal issues to enable participation in vital antipiracy mis- sions in the Indian Ocean. The irony, however, is that under the most severe conditions requiring the protection of Japan’s interests, our forces are legally prevented from collectively defending Japan.
A change in Japan’s prohibition of collective self-defense would address that irony in full. A shift in policy should not seek a unified command, a more militarily aggressive Japan, or a change in Japan’s Peace Constitution. Prohibition of collective self-defense is an impediment to the al- liance.7 3-11 demonstrated how our two forces can maximize our capabilities when necessary. It would be a responsible authorization to allow our forces to respond in full cooperation throughout the security spectrum of peacetime, tension, crisis, and war.
The tragedies of March 11, 2011, are fresh in our minds, and we extend our deepest condolences to all victims and those afflicted by the earthquake, tsunami, and subsequent nuclear meltdown. Understandably, the Fukushima nuclear disaster dealt a major setback to nuclear power.
The setback reverberated not only throughout Japan, but also around the world. While some countries like Great Britain and China are cautiously resuming nuclear expansion plans, others, like Germany, have decided to phase out nuclear power entirely.
Despite strong public opposition to nuclear power, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda’s government has begun a partial restart of two nuclear reactors. Further restarts depend on safety checks and local approval. The cautious resumption of nuclear generation under such conditions is the right and responsible step in our view.
Japan has made tremendous progress in boosting energy efficiency and is a world leader in energy research and development. While the people of Japan have demonstrated remarkable national unity in reducing energy consumption and setting the world’s highest standards for energy effi- ciency, a lack of nuclear energy in the near term will have serious repercussions for Japan.原子力発電所の再起動無しに、日本は意味ある成長つまり、その目標である、二酸化炭素排出量を2020年までに25%にする、といった目標に向けた成長を達成することはできないでしょう。 原子力は、現在、また今後も唯一の排出の無い実質的な資源であり続けるので、基幹的な発電です。報告に依れば、環境省のデータがは以下のことを示しています、原子力の再起動が無ければ、日本のエネルギー排出は、ほぼ、2020年までに11%へ落ち込むだろう、しかし、再起動を伴えば、20%に近づくだろうと。
Without a restart of nuclear power plants, Japan will not be able to make meaningful progress toward her goal of cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by 25 percent by 2020. Nuclear power is and will remain the only substantial source of emissions-free, base load electricity generation. Environment Ministry data reportedly shows that without a nuclear restart, Japan’s emissions can fall at most by 11 percent by 2020; but with a restart, emissions reductions could approach 20 percent.
A permanent shutdown would boost Japan’s consumption of imported oil, natural gas, and coal. Moreover, postponing a decision on national energy policy has the potential to drive vital, energy-dependent industries out of Japan and may threaten national productivity. A permanent shutdown will also stymie responsible international nuclear development, as developing countries will continue to build nuclear reactors.
China, which suspended reactor approvals for over a year following Fukushima (but did not suspend progress on ongoing projects), is restarting domestic construction of new projects and could eventually emerge as a significant international vendor. As China plans to join Russia, South Korea, and France in the major leagues of global development in civilian nuclear power, Japan cannot afford to fall behind if the world is to benefit from efficient, reliable, and safe reactors and nuclear services.
For its part, the United States needs to remove uncertainty surrounding disposal of spent nuclear waste and implement clear permitting processes. While we are fully cognizant of the need to learn from Fukushima and implement corrective safeguards, nuclear power still holds tremendous potential in the areas of energy security, economic growth, and environmental benefits. Japan and the United States have common political and commercial interests in promoting safe and reliable civilian nuclear power domestically and internationally.
Tokyo and Washington must revitalize their alliance in this area, taking on board lessons from Fukushima, and resume a leadership role in promoting safe reactor designs and sound regulatory practices globally. The 3-11 tragedy should not become the basis for a greater economic and environmental decline. Safe, clean, responsibly developed and utilized nuclear power constitutes an essential element in Japan’s comprehensive security. In this regard, U.S.-Japan cooperation on nuclear research and development is essential.
閉じるA new roles and missions review should expand the scope of Japan’s responsibilities to include the defense of Japan and defense with the United States in regional contingencies. The most immediate challenge is in Japan’s own neighborhood.
In response to these kinds of anti-access/area denial (A2AD) challenges, the United States has begun work on new operational concepts such as Air Sea Battle and the Joint Operational Access Concept (JOAC). Japan has begun work on parallel concepts such as “dynamic defense.” While the U.S. Navy and the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Forces (JMSDF) have historically led in bilateral interoperability, the new environment requires significantly greater jointness and interoperability across services in both countries and bilaterally between the United States and Japan. This chal- lenge should be at the core of the bilateral RMC dialogue and must be fully integrated and driven forward by senior leadership in the U.S. Departments of Defense and State together with the Japanese Ministries of Defense (MOD) and Foreign Affairs (MOFA). In a time of budgetary constraints, RMC cannot be addressed piecemeal or by lower-level officials.
この挑戦は、上級先導者の米国防省や米国と共に、日本の防衛庁と外務省によって、二国間のRMC(Roles, Mission, Capability=役割、作戦、能力)の対話の核となるべきであるし、十分に統合され、前向きに運用されなければならない。予算の制約の段階で、RMCが断片的にされたり、より低い水準の役人に運用されてはならない。
ウィーン宣言 第8項
「専制政治が終焉し、もともと疎外されていた貧困層は、さらに地域の治安を悪化させた。生きている間に望みを抱けない若者は、来生に訪れる国境の無い国への帰依を望んで、過激派組織に加担した」(2015.5.11 日経新聞)
拒否権の仕組み・地域文化の人権特性 米、中、英、仏、ロ、の、常任理事国の一国でも反対があれば、可決されない拒否権の仕組みは、一度、大国の独走を許すと、国連の信頼を著しく低下させる。なので、小国にとって、国際秩序と安全保障の恩恵を受けられなくなるリスクも比例して大きくなる。
なお、急進的な民主政治は"基本的人権"に背くことがある、という地域文化の特性に対して配慮する方法が整備されていない。民主主義への絶対的な信頼が、 国連憲章 に約束されている中、その妄信が危険であることを、今後、大国間でどのように調整できるかが、一つの争点だろう